DSS steel processing is represented with rolling, sizing, forging, forge-pressing, heat-treatment and metal surface finishing shops.
1050/950 blooming mill of the rolling shop is designed to manufacture billets for further rolling by section mills, as well as 130-280 mm bars. 550, 325 and 280 section rolling mills produce metal products from 8 up to 130 mm in diameter with as-rolled or as-machined surface. Surface is machined by centreless peelers; the process is completely automated. At the section of the rolling mill finishing line round 120-280 mm, up to 2,6 ton bars of the full grade range are machined by Loeser RPS 377 lathe. The technology of wet grinding “on a contact circle” or “with a free belt” is applied in the equipment. All the metal products from 20 mm and over in diameter have to be US-tested in accordance with EN 10308, ASTM À388 or SEP 1921 standards.
Round cold-drawn 2-45 mm bars, round 1,9-50 mm bars with special surface finishing and sized hexagons with incircle 12-46 mm diameter (for the CIS market) are produced in the sizing mill.
Large round, square and rectangular forgings of different steel grades are products of the forge-pressing shop. The shop is equipped with 60 MH and 32 MH hydraulic presses fitted with 5 and 10 ton handlers. The shop comprises special areas for forging heat-treatment, straightening and finishing, as well as US-testing.
The forging shop manufactures stainless, tool, high-speed steel products as well specializes in the production of bars of difficult-to-form alloy steel grades. Two radial-forging 10 MH and 3,4 MH machines are installed in the shop.
Heat treatment of metal products is performed in the heat-treatment shop and in the relevant areas of processing shops.
Metal surface finishing shop performs machining of 20-200 mm round bar surface; final machining of bars with special surface finishing into 160 mm rounds is made by RPS 327 unit. The shop comprises two lines designed for grinding and special surface finishing. The final processing of bars, supplied from 1050, 550, 325 and 280 rolling mills, as well as forging and forge-pressing shops, is performed here.