November 10 - 13 in Moscow the 21th International Industrial Exhibition «Metal-Expo 2015» was held, which was attended by 570 companies from 34 countries. About 27 thousand people visited it during the four days. It ought to be noted that our company participates this event every year.
The leading metallurgical companies - pipe and wire factories, enterprises for processing of non-ferrous metals, manufacturers of rolled aluminum and alloys, transport and logistics companies, metal traders, engineering firms and developers of IT solutions for the metallurgy and mechanical engineering, manufacturers of modern equipment for engineering and steel mills and service metalcenters were represented among the exhibitors.
According to participants, the exhibition «Metal-Expo 2015» - is the best platform for direct contact and better communication with consumers. It is possible to discuss all the questions, learn the needs of customers, solve the problems promptly and secure communication by mutually beneficial contracts.
At the exhibition «Metal-Expo 2015» in Moscow our company was represented by Deputy Chairman of the Board - Sales Director Alexander Shabanov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board - Production Director Sergey Kalashnikov, sales service specialists, as well as attended in full by our colleagues from LLC Trading Company "DSS-m ".
- Exhibition is trendy and, therefore, is important for any self-respecting Enterprises, - says Alexander Shabanov. - Everything was organized at a high level, so participation in this event for us is a traditional and important. Being a part of such activities is vital. I believe that now we can not lose the tried and tested for years. Together with our partners we summed up the past year and agreed on plans for the future.
Stay at the exhibition was exclusively the business and every day was mapped out. Besides serving of DSS information stand at the exhibition, the negotiations were held by our delegation with all major customers. These are companies from Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Finland, Czech Republic and other countries.
- We believe in the best and do everything possible for it, - Alexander Shabanov concluded optimistically