April 12-16, 2010 Dusseldorf, Germany, the 12-th international exhibition Tube& Wire 2010 took place.
Firstly in the history of exhibition 1181 companies from 52 countries represented their products and service on the area of 45 000m2. 35000 visitors – specialists from 70 countries were registered, mostly they were from the Netherlands, Italy, India, Spain, USA, Switzerland, France and Great Britain.
At the exhibition not only raw materials producers were represented, but also producers of tubes with final processing, as well as seamless tubes, flanges and other products for machine-building industry.
“Dneprospetsstal” was represented by distributors DSS Global Trading (Kiev, Ukraine) and DSS GmbH (Dusseldorf, Germany).
During the exhibition our managers visited mounts of existed clients and would-be customers. They also held meetings with such companies as Stappert, Damstahl, Schmolz + Bickenbach, Centravis, Tubacex, Omur Celik, Marcegaglia, Hascelic, Dorrenberg and others.
For directors and managers of the companies days of exhibition were in tight schedule. Nowadays, in not simple and unstable economic conditions it is very important to rapprochement with customers, distributors, equipment producers, and raw material suppliers.
Many companies express their readiness to continue collaboration with DSS concerning stainless steel bars, metal products of alloy structural and tool steel grades. The presence of DSS at the exhibition was worthwhile: our enterprise confirmed its status of reliable partner once more.