International Ecological Forum “Environment for Ukraine 2014” finished its work on the 25th of April. Dneprospetsstal took part in All Ukrainian event as well.
Forum was opened on the 23th of April in the International Exhibition Center in Kiev. Deputy minister – Chief of Staff Alexander Nastasenko, the Chairman of State Environmental Inspectorate Michael Kazimir, Principal of State Ecological Academy Alexander Bondar and other senior government officials participated in ceremony of Forum opening. The Forum is supported by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and Ministry of Environment & Mineral Resources of Ukraine the sixth year in a raw. And Dneprospetsstal participates in the Forum each of the year.
The present Forum came to the whole new world-class. Within a framework of the ecological event the VII International Environmental Exhibition opened its doors; the Exhibition extends the ecological subject-matter year in and year out. Besides, the Forum as usual provided a rather intensive conference events schedule involving scientists, representatives of the official institutions and business. Here you can find some of the subjects: “Local government in the context of the effective state administration in the sphere of environmental protection”, “Geological investigations in Ukraine: actual state and perspectives”, “Ecological audit, ecological expertise, environmental effect evaluation: the present and prospects of the development”, “Strategic partnership of public, state and business sectors in purpose of sustainable development”.
As explained by the chief ecologist of our plant – Head of environmental department of DSS Anatoliy Pannik – the Forum allowed us to tell about our potential, as well as to learn the other plants experience concerning this subject.
– It is quite an important event, the Forum is attended by the biggest Ukrainian companies’ representatives and there is an opportunity to discuss topical questions with them, - Anatoliy Pannik said. – We not only share problems but the solutions as well. A big plus is that there are always the ministry representatives at the Forum, so it is a chance to point out the important ecological questions in informal surrounding.