News |
2020 April 7 |
Dneprospetsstal increased production of rolled stock |
In March 2020, PrJSC DNEPROSPETSSTAL delivered 15 540 tons of steel.
2020 March 11 |
Dneprospetsstal increased steel delivery in February |
In February 2020, PrJSC DNEPROSPETSSTAL delivered 18 639 tons of steel, which is 31.7% higher than in January this year.
2020 February 9 |
DSS exceeded the plan for shipment to the FPS in January |
In January 2020, PrJSC DNEPROSPETSSTAL delivered 14 149 tons of steel and produced 10 809 tons of the rolled stock.
2020 January 11 |
Dneprospetsstal increased steel delivery in December |
In December 2019 PrJSC DNEPROSPETSSTAL delivered 18 888 tons of steel, which is 6,2% higher than the last month level.
2019 December 10 |
Dneprospetsstal exceeded the delivery plan for the commercial products |
In November 2019 PrJSC DNEPROSPETSSTAL delivered 17 788 tons of steel (at the level of the monthly average over 10 months of 2019).
In November 2019 PrJSC DNEPROSPETSSTAL delivered 17 788 tons of steel (at the level of the monthly average over 10 months of 2019).
2019 November 10 |
Dneprospetsstal increased the rolled stock production by 10,8% in October |
The beginning of the IV quarter was a success for Dneprospetsstal.
2019 October 8 |
Dneprospetsstal increased the production |
In September 2019 PrJSC DNEPROSPETSSTAL delivered 18 184 tons of steel, and produced 11 843 tons of the rolled stock.
2019 September 18 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in August 2019 |
2019 August 16 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in July 2019 |
In July 2019 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 18 752 tons of steel that is the is by 13,9% more than in June 2019. 13 466 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 6,5% more than in June 2019.
2019 July 29 |
PRESS RELEASE about the change in the officials’ structure of PrJSC "DNIPROSPETSSTAL". |
The Management Board of PrJSC "DNIPROSPETSSTAL" informs contractors, government bodies and all concerned persons about the change in the officials’ structure of PrJSC "DNIPROSPETSSTAL".
2019 July 22 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in June 2019 |
In June 2019 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 16 457 tons of steel that is the is by 10,8% less than in May 2019. 12 641 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 7,6% more than in May 2019.
2019 June 13 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in May 2019 |
In May 2019 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 18 440 tons of steel that is the is by 11,0% less than in April 2019. 13 684 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 5,4% more than in April 2019.
2019 May 10 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in April 2019 |
In April 2019 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 20 710 tons of steel that is the is by 2,2% more than in March 2019. 12 980 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 2,8% more than in March 2019.
2019 April 15 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in Marh 2019 |
In March 2019 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 20 273 tons of steel that is the is by 20,7% more than in February 2019. 12 626 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 17,5% more than in February 2019.
2019 March 14 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in February 2019 |
In February 2019 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 16 803 tons of steel that is the is by 15,5% more than in January 2019. 10 742 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 6,1% more than in January 2019.
2019 January 14 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in January 2019 |
In January 2019 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 14 548 tons of steel that is the is by 19,9% less than inDecember 2018. 11 441 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 3,8%less than in December 2018.
2019 January 14 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in December 2018 |
In December 2018 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 18 165 tons of steel that is the is by 3,1% less than in November 2018. 11 888 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 3,5%less than in November 2018.
2018 December 9 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in November 2018 |
In November 2018 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 18 744 tons of steel that is the is by 14,7% less than in October 2018. 12 325 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 4,0%less than in October 2018.
2018 November 9 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in October 2018 |
In October 2018 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 21 968 tons of steel that is the is by 13,6% more than in September 2018. 12 837 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 3,0% less than in October 2018.
2018 October 9 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in September 2018 |
In September 2018 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 19 343tons of steel that is the is by 7,9% less than in August 2018. 13 229 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 5,7% less than in August 2018.
2018 September 11 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in August 2018 |
In August 2018 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 20 999 tons of steel that is the is by 3,0% more than in July 2018. 14 034 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 8,6% more than in July 2018.
2018 August 9 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in July 2018 |
In July 2018 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 20 392 tons of steel that is the is by 1,9% more than in June 2018. 12 924 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 6,9% less than in June 2018.
2018 July 16 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in June 2018 |
In June 2018 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 20 014 tons of steel that is the is by 8,1% less than in May 2018. 13 877 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 3,2% less than in May 2018.
2018 June 11 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in May 2018 |
In May 2018 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 21 779 tons of steel that is the same in April 2017. 14 342 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 0,5 % less than in April 2018.
2018 May 10 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in April 2018 |
In April 2018 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 21 777 tons of steel that is by 2,0% less than in February 2018. 14 419 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 3,2 % less than in March 2018.
2018 April 20 |
MIDEST 2018 |
Exhibition “MIDEST - 2018” - one of the biggest industrial events in France - took place in Paris on March, 27-30, 2018.
2018 April 10 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in March 2018 |
In March 2018 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 22 226 t of steel that is by 5,7% more than in February 2018. 14 889 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 5,9% more than in February 2018.
2018 March 13 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in February 2018 |
In February 201 PrJSC "Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin" produced 21 031tons of steel that is by 2,1% higher than in January 2018. 14 055 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 1,7% higher than in January 2018.
2018 February 15 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in January 2018 |
In January 2018 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 20 591 t of steel that is by 10,7% less than in December 2017.
2018 January 18 |
Dneprospetsstal: production results in December, 2017 and total results of 2017 |
In December, 2017 PrSC "Electrometallurgical Works "Dneprospetsstal" named after A.M. Kuzmin" produced 23 062 tons of steel, which is 14,4% higher than last month level. During the same period, the Enterprise produced 14 487 tons of rolled steel, which is 7,3% more than in November 2017.
2017 December 19 |
"Stainless Steel World Conference & Exhibition 2017" |
November 28-30 2017, Maastricht, Netherlands – “Stainless Steel World Conference & Exhibition 2017” took place – the event is one of the most important for the industry in 2017. The representatives of PrJSC “Dneprospetsstal” together with their partners from “Dniprospezstahl GmbH” participated in the event yet again.
2017 December 12 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in November 2017 |
In November 2017 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 20 153t of steel that is by 11,7% less than in October 2017.
2017 November 20 |
Fabtech 2017 |
November 6-9, 2017 in Chicago, USA Fabtech 2017 was held. PrJSC "Dneprospetsstal" took part in this event for the second time.
2017 November 8 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in October 2017 |
In October 2017 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 22 833 t of steel that is by 12,0%more than in September 2017.
2017 September 13 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in August 2017 |
In August 2017 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 23 251t of steel that is by 10,0 %more than in July 2017.
2017 August 14 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in July 2017 |
In July 2017 PrJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 21 142 t of steel that is by 3,2% less than in June 2017.
2017 July 11 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in June 2017 |
In June 2017 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 21 849 t of steel that is by 2,2% less than in May 2017.
2017 June 9 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in May 2017 |
In May 2017 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 22 348 t of steel that is by 3,0% more than in April 2017.
2017 May 22 |
Made in Steel 2017 |
The exhibition "Made in Steel 2017" was held on May 17-19, 2017 in Milan, Italy. PJSC "Dneprospetsstal" took part in this event as an exhibitor for the second time.
2017 May 12 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in April 2017 |
In April 2017 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 21 708 t of steel that is by 0,4% more than in March 2017.
2017 April 12 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in March 2017 |
In March 2017 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 21 616 t of steel that is by 8,4% more than in February 2017.
2017 April 3 |
SIMM 2017 |
March 29 - April 1, 2017 in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, the exhibition SIMM 2017 was held. Full name of the exhibition is "Shenzhen International Machinery Manufacturing 2017". This exhibition is one of the largest in southern China. The main producers of tools and machining equipment of this region take part in it. Guangdong Province is the most industrially developed throughout China. Small and large consumers of tool and high-speed steels are located in this region to a greater extent than in other provinces of the country.
2017 March 21 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in February 2017 |
In February 2017 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 19 933 t of steel that is by 1,8% less than in January 2017.
2017 February 28 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in January 2017 |
In January 2017 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 20 290 t of steel that is by 5,1% less than in December 2016.
2017 January 31 |
Dneprospetsstal: production results in December, 2016 and total results of 2016 |
In December, 2016 PJSC "Electrometallurgical Works "Dneprospetsstal" named after A.M. Kuzmin" produced 21 385 tons of steel, which is 12,3% higher than last month level. During the same period, the Enterprise produced 13 620 tons of rolled steel, which is 14,4% more than in November 2016.
2016 December 15 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in November 2016 |
In November 2016 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 19 036 t of steel that is by 16,6% less in October 2016.
2016 December 15 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in October 2016 |
In October 2016 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 22 821 t of steel that is by 8,2% more in September 2016.
2016 November 17 |
Metal-Expo 2016 |
Annual exhibition “METAL-EXPO” came around in Moscow from the 8th to the 11th of November. Our company is an exhibitor of long standing at this event. As the first order of business is opening of new perspectives in addition to maintaining of the already earned status.
2016 October 20 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in September 2016 |
In September 2016 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 21 099 t of steel that is by 6,4% more in August 2016.
2016 September 20 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in August 2016 |
In August 2016 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 19 835 t of steel that is by 5% less than in July 2016.
2016 August 11 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in July 2016 |
In July 2016 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 20 872 t of steel that is by 1,5% less than in June 2016.
2016 July 13 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in June 2016 |
In June 2016 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 21 181 t of steel that is by 1,4% more than in May 2016.
2016 June 13 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in May 2016 |
In May 2016 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 20 891t of steel that is by 13,1% more than in April h 2016.
2016 May 16 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in April 2016 |
In April 2016 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 18 472t of steel that is by 8,3% less than in March 2016.
2016 April 12 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in March 2016 |
In March 2016 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 20 152 t of steel that is by 23,1% more than in February 2016.
2016 March 14 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in February 2016 |
In February 2016 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 16 365 t of steel that is by 9,7 % more than in January 2016.
2016 February 12 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in January 2016 |
In January 2016 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 14 925 t of steel that is by 28,9% less than in December 2015.
2016 February 3 |
Dneprospetsstal - exhibitor of Tube 2016 |
4-6 April 2016 in Dusseldorf, Germany will host the International Exhibition "Tube 2016" which will take part of PJSC "Dneprospetsstal".
2016 January 18 |
Dneprospetsstal: production results in December, 2015 and total results of 2015 |
In December, 2015 PJSC "Electrometallurgical Works "Dneprospetsstal" named after A.M. Kuzmin" produced 20,997 tons of steel, which is 20,6% higher than last month level. During the same period, the Enterprise produced 11,560 tons of rolled steel, which is 1.3% more than in November 2015.
2016 January 8 |
Production results of the year |
It's time to line up the results of the production year. We offer to look at the results not in terms of performance but rather in terms of achievements.
2015 December 30 |
For the first time and once again |
In November of this year DSS took part in the largest industrial exhibition in France MIDEST for the first time. Every year the exhibition takes up 42,000 thousand of buyers among the producers and consumers of steel products from around the world. This year Mideste exhibited more than 1,600 companies from 39 countries, including our factory.
2015 December 17 |
Step to Power Independence |
December 15, 2015 in the context of the investment program of PJSC “Dneprospetsstal” named after A. N. Kuzmin the system for storage and gasification of liquid oxygen was put into operation on the basis of the equipment rented out by PJSC “Linde Gas Ukraine”.
2015 December 15 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in November 2015 |
In December 2015 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 17 413 tons of steel that is by 1,6% less than in November 2015. 11 413 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 1,3% less than in November 2015.
2015 November 23 |
Metal-Expo 2015 |
November 10 - 13 in Moscow the 21th International Industrial Exhibition «Metal-Expo 2015» was held, which was attended by 570 companies from 34 countries. About 27 thousand people visited it during the four days. It ought to be noted that our company participates this event every year.
2015 November 16 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in October 2015 |
In October 2015 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 17 701 tons of steel that is by
17,4 % less than in September 2015. 11 558 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 3,5 % less than in September 2015.
2015 October 15 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in September 2015 |
In September 2015 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 21 442 tons of steel that is by 15,7% more than in August 2015. 11 977 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 13,3 % less than in August 2015.
2015 October 1 |
The exhibition "Weapon and Security - 2015" |
September 22 -25 the specialized XII International exhibition "Weapon and Security - 2015" was held in Kiev. Our company was also among the participants.
2015 September 9 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in August 2015 |
In August 2015 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 18 533 tons of steel that is by 23 %less than in July 2015. 13 810 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 2,2 % less than in July 2015.
2015 August 10 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in July 2015 |
In July 2015 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 24 070 tons of steel that is by 12,7 %more than in June 2015. 14 115 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 1,8 % less than in June 2015.
2015 July 13 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in June 2015 |
In June 2015 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 21 357 tons of steel that is by 9,8% less than in May 2015.
2015 June 22 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in May 2015 |
In May 2015 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 23 683 tons of steel that is by 7,4% more than in April 2015.
2015 May 25 |
Made in Steel 2015 |
May 20-22 in Milan hosted the exhibition Made in Steel 2015. PJSC "DSS" was firstly presented at the event as an exhibitor. The exhibition was attended by more than 300 companies from Europe, CIS, Middle and Far East. During the exhibition, a conference was held, in which participants had the opportunity to discuss the new scenarios for the development of the steel industry.
2015 May 18 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in April 2015 |
In April 2015 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 22 045 t of steel that is by 8,5 % less than in March 2015.
2015 April 16 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in March 2015 |
In March 2015 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 24 099 t of steel that is by 40 % less than in February 2015.
2015 March 12 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in February 2015 |
In February 2015 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 17 216 t of steel that is by 9,2 % more than in December 2014.
2015 February 18 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in January 2015 |
In January 2015 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 15 768 t of steel that is by 10,6 % less than in December 2014.
2015 February 16 |
Dneprospetsstal has undergone NORSOK M-650 Standard Certification |
December 2014, “Dneprospetsstal” successfully certified manufacturing of hot-rolled and forged bars of duplex UNS S31803 (03Х22Н5АМ3) steel grade and of stainless 316, 316L steel grades against the requirements of NORSOK M-650 Standard.
2015 January 14 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in December, 2014 and production results 2014 |
In December, 2014 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 17 632 t of steel that is by 18,2 % less than in November, 2014. 13 113 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 11,7 % less than in November.
2014 December 12 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in November, 2014 |
In November, 2014 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 21 553 t of steel that is by 16,2 % less than in October, 2014. 14 848 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 2,2 % less than in October.
2014 December 1 |
EuroMold 2014 |
At the end of November delegation of DSS took part in one of the world's largest exhibitions - «EuroMold-2014" 925-28 December 2014, Frankfurt, Germany.
2014 November 17 |
Metal-Expo 2014 |
From 11 to 14 of November Moscow hosted an international industrial exhibition "Metal-Expo 2014". Perhaps this is the largest exhibition of metallurgical and engineering products in the CIS.
2014 November 14 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in October, 2014. |
In October, 2014 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 25 729 t of steel that is by 6,2 % more than in September, 2014.
2014 October 16 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in September, 2014. |
In September, 2014 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 24 219 t of steel that is by 1,8 % more than in August, 2014. 14 944 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 11,1 % less than in August.
2014 September 12 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in August 2014 |
In August, 2014 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 23 801 t of steel, that is by 9,6 % less than last month. During the same period, the company produced 16,806 tons of rolled steel, which is 5.4% more than in July.
2014 September 1 |
Certification was passed through |
Mid-August of this year was marked by a significant event for Dniprospetsstal - from 12 to 15 of August the company has successfully passed through the certification audit of quality management system in compliance with international standard ISO 9001: 2008.
2014 August 15 |
Dneprospetsstal: results of production in July 2014 |
In July, 2014 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 26 342 t of steel, that is by 8,1 % more than in June,2014. 15 948 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 1,6 % less than in June.
2014 July 9 |
DSS: results of production in June 2014 |
In June, 2014 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 24 361t of steel that is by 11,6 % more than in May, 2014. 16 208 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is by 6,2 % more than in May, 2014.
2014 July 1 |
Testing new technology |
Technical Committee of PJSC "DSS" talked about qualitative changes and test results in the technology of ingots rolling with cooling-down.
2014 May 26 |
Production of heat-resisting alloys at DSS has reached the absolute maximum |
Heat-resisting alloy is a special kind of products. Have it in your arsenal is a matter of honor and prestige, not many companies in the world can produce such alloys. Our company is flagship in production of heat-resisting alloys. We do not just produce, but also regularly extend this assortment.
2014 May 15 |
DSS: results of production in April 2014 |
April’s steel yield of PJSC "Electrometallurgical Works “Dneprospesstal” named after A.N. Kuzmin " is 22,300 tons , that is 9.1% less than last month. During the same period, the company produced 15,163 tons of rolled products, that is 2.6% more than in March.
2014 May 5 |
Tube&Wire 2014 |
«Tube&Wire 2014» – is not just the event name, it is an international field for manufacturers and customers of metal products, facilities, raw materials and logistics from all over the world. 2500 companies from more than 70 countries took part in the Trade Show this year. 72 thousands of visitors came to Dusseldorf, Germany to attend this special event from 7th to 11th of April.
2014 April 10 |
DSS: results of production in March 2014 |
In March, 2014 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 24 526 tons that is by 11,6 % more than in February, 2014. 14 773 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is almost by 2,7 % more than in February, 2014.
2014 March 10 |
DSS: results of production in February 2014 |
In February, 2014 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 21 978 tons that is by 8,0 % less than in last month. 14 388 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is almost by 13,1 % more than in January, 2014.
2014 February 21 |
DSS - among the leading suppliers of "stainless steel" in Russian |
Russian Association "Special Steels" summed up the year among the leading suppliers of stainless steel products. In rating hit and DSS.
2014 February 10 |
DSS: results of production in January 2014 |
In January, 2014 PJSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin» produced 23 879 tons that is by 17,9 % more than in last month. 12 726 tons of rolled stock produced for the same period that is almost by 11,8 % less than in December, 2013.
2014 January 10 |
PJSC Dneprospetsstal: results of production in 2013 |
For the twelve months in 2013 delivered 275,503 tons of steel (16.4% less than in the same period of the last year) and produced 179,081 tons of rolled stock (18.1% less than in the same period last year).
2013 December 2 |
Ecology at DSS was given a good estimate |
In early November, the State Environmental Inspectorate of Ukraine in Zaporozhye region tested Dniprospetsstal to meet the environmental requirements in the field of air, land and water resources, waste management and hazardous chemicals.
2013 November 25 |
On the way to energy independence |
Energy independence of our company is a very important link in the chain of production, and most importantly - economic stability. At Dneprospetsstal realization of a large project on energy saving heat recovery is completing. We will become autonomous, and the proceeds will be spent on development and new investments.
2013 January 10 |
PJSC Dneprospetsstal: results of production in 2012 |
For the twelve months in 2012 delivered 329 393 tons of steel (22,5% less than in the same period of the last year) and produced 218 727 tons of rolled stock (21,8% less than in the same period of the last year).
2012 January 10 |
PJSC Dneprospetsstal: results of production in 2011 |
For the twelve months of 2011, delivered 425 123 tons of steel ( 9.5% , rolled stock - 11% compared to the previous period of 2010.)
2011 January 10 |
PJSC Dneprospetsstal: results of production in 2010 |
In 2010, the company produced 248.2 thousand tons of products worth 522.2 million dollars. USA. For the twelve months of 2010, steel production increased by 48.7%, 51.3% rolled products compared to the previous period of 2009.
2010 December 10 |
Dneprospetsstal: production in November 2010 |
In November 2010 JSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin produced 34416 tons of steel that is by 18.1% higher than in November 2009.
2010 November 16 |
Dneprospetsstal: production results in October 2010 |
In October 2010 JSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin produced 35 008 tons of steel that is by 17,1% higher than in October 2009.
2010 October 15 |
Dneprospetsstal: production results in September 2010 |
In September 2010 JSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin produced 34 561 tons of steel that is by 32,9% higher than in September 2009.
2010 October 11 |
JSC "Dneprospetsstal" has joined to the Global Compact of the United Nations |
On October the1st, 2010 JSC Electrometallurgical Works “Dneprospetsstal“ named after A.N.Kuzmin became the participant of the Global Compact of the United Nations. The global Compact unites the companies, United Nations agencies, labor and public organizations for the purpose of support the world ecological and social principles.
2010 September 10 |
In August JSC Dneprospetsstal increased steel and rolled stock output |
In August 2010 JSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin produced 30 806 tons of steel that is by 30.4% higher than in August 2009.
2010 August 13 |
In July JSC Dneprospetsstal increased steel and rolled stock output |
In July 2010 JSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin produced 35 039 tons of steel that is by 76,8% higher than in July 2009.
2010 April 15 |
Rewarding of the Dneprospetsstal Intellectuals |
On the April 12 the most prestigious award of Dneprospetstal by A. F. Tregubenko’s name found its heroes.
2010 April 15 |
To help is a tradition |
Dneprospetstal continues to help to small patients of Regional clinical hospital for children.
2010 April 12 |
“Dneprospesstal” increased the output of steel and rolled metal |
March’s steel yield of JSC Electrometallurgical Works “Dneprospesstal” named after A. N. Kuzmin is 31 649 ton, that is 52% more than in March 2009.
2010 March 11 |
In February Dneprospetsstal increased steel output by 56% |
In Fabruary 2010 JSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin produced 26 486 tons of steel that is by 56.4% higher than in Fabruary 2009.
2010 February 18 |
Dneprospetstal has signed the contract for building of a new steel melting furnace |
JSC Electrometallurgical Works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin has signed a contract with Siemens VAI Metals Technologies GmbH for delivery of a new steel melting furnace (EAF-60).
2010 February 10 |
In January Dneprospetsstal increased steel output by 39% |
In January 2010 JSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin produced 26 688 tons of steel that is by 38.9% higher than in January 2009.
2010 January 15 |
Dneprospetsstal: production results 2009 |
JSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin takes stock of production in 2009. For the past 12 months at the enterprise the steel yield was 261.1 ths tons that is almost by 46% less than in 2008. For the same period rolled stock output reduced by 47.2% and comprised 166.5 ths tons.
2009 December 7 |
In November Dneprospetsstal increased rolled stock output by 26% |
In November 2009 JSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin produced 29 137 tons of steel that is by 26% higher than in November 2008.
2009 December 3 |
Placing in service of new natural gas infeed at Dneprospetsstal |
Today, the new natural gas infeed with capacity of 15 thousand cubic meters per hour has been put in operation at Dneprospetsstal. Thus, the enterprise has completed the retrofitting program for outer gas supplying system.
2009 November 24 |
Metal quality test is a matter of seconds in Scrap Preparation Shop |
3 to 15 seconds are required for the Niton analyzer to determine the chemical composition of a metallic product, even for the thinnest wire or swarf. First of all, the device is intended for checking of received scrap and for separating it according to classes of steel and alloys.
2009 November 19 |
JSC Dneprospetsstal in Positive List of Zaporozhye Customs |
JSC Dneprospetsstal has been included in the Positive List of the Customs owing to the company’s spotless customs reputation. As a fair and lawful taxpayer the company will enjoy several preferences. Now the simplified procedure of the customs control and customs clearance is applied to the goods and transport of JSC Dneprospetsstal.
2009 November 16 |
Metal-Makers’ Forum: Cutting Edge |
On November 09 to 13 the 15th International Industrial Exhibition ″Metal-Expo 2009″ was held in Moscow. This year 500 companies from 25 countries of the globe were represented there. 2.7 thousand company representatives were involved in the event and 18.5 thousand experts in industry attended the exhibition stands. Our representative in Russia that is Russian Trading House Dneprospetsstal-M took part in the Metal-Expo2009 as well.
2009 November 16 |
Stainless Steel World Conference & Expo 2009 |
From November 10-12th, the eyes of the stainless steel community turned to Maastricht, the Netherlands, and the 7th Biennial Stainless Steel World Conference & Expo.
2009 November 9 |
In October Dneprospetsstal increased steel product output by 15% |
In October 2009 at JSC Electrometallurgical Works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin the output of steel comprised 29 903 tons that is by 15% more than in September 2009.
2009 October 8 |
In September 2009 “Dneprospesstal” increased the output of steel for 10% |
September’s steel yield of JSC Electrometallurgical Works “Dneprospesstal” named after A. N. Kuzmin is 25 996 ton, that is 10% more than in August 2009.
2009 September 9 |
In August Dneprospetsstal increased steel output by 19.3% |
According to operating results, in August 2009 at JSC Electrometallurgical Works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin the output of liquid steel comprised 23 633 tons that is by 19.3% more than in July 2009.
2009 August 6 |
In July Dneprospetsstal increased steel output by 15.3% |
According to operating results, in July 2009 at JSC Electrometallurgical Works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin the output of liquid steel comprised 19 814 tons that is by 15.3% higher than in June 2009.
2009 July 29 |
JSC Dneprospetsstal polls user satisfaction with Company’s products |
In order to survey user satisfaction with our products, JSC Dneprospetsstal’s marketing and sales service invites our clients to take part in polling.
2009 July 9 |
In June Dneprospetsstal increased rolled stock output by 18.7% |
According to operating results, in June 2009 JSC Electrometallurgical works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin produced 11 789 tons of rolled stock that is by 18.7% better than in May 2009.
2009 June 15 |
Dneprospetsstal has finished the first stage of risk assessment |
Zaporozhye is the first Ukrainian city where the purposeful work on assessment of environmental risk for population health is carried out. Dneprospestsstal is the first large-scale metallurgical enterprise that closely works in this direction with authorities and specialists of the Environmental Risk Assessment Center.
2009 June 11 |
Operating results for May 2009 |
According to current data, in May total steel product volume shipped from the shops of JSC Electrometallurgical Works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin comprised 17 278 tons that is by 22,7% more when compared to April 2009.
2009 June 1 |
DSS at Metallurgist Forum |
On May 26 to 29 in Kozak Palace, the exhibition center of the Zaporozhye Chamber of Commerce&Industry, ″Engineering. Metallurgy - 2009″, the international specialized exhibition XVII, was hold.
2009 May 19 |
Dneprospetsstal commissions €2.2 m finishing line for long products |
JSC Electrometallurgical Works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin have commissioned a surface finishing line for rolled stock 120/280. Municipal authorities, representatives of banking sector and main consumers have taken part in the opening ceremony.
2009 May 14 |
Dneprospetsstal: Production in April 2009 |
According to operating results for April 2009, JSC Electrometallurgical Works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin shipped from the shops 14 077 tons of steel products that is by 32.5% less, than in March 2009.
2009 May 13 |
Dneprospetsstal puts into operation new surface processing line |
On May 19, 2009 in 11.00 a.m. the 120/280 rolled stock processing line will be commissioned at JSC Electrometallurgical Works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N.Kuzmin.
2009 April 27 |
Vitaly Kornievsky Has Been Appointed as Acting Chairman of the Board at JSC Electrometallurgical Works Dneprospetsstal Named after A.N.Kuzmin |
The Supervisory Board of JSC Electrometallurgical Works Dneprospetsstal Named after A.N.Kuzmin has taken a decision (Minutes No 15 dated 23.04.2009) about pre-term contract termination with Daniel Valk, Chairman of the Board, a citizen of the USA.
2009 April 10 |
Stainless 2009 - 5th International Stainless Steel Congress (Brno, The Czech Republic, April 7-9, 2009) |
Taking part in this event Dneprospetsstal has pursued two aims that are branding and creation of new relations. Mass media and analytical groups i.e. Focus Rostfrei, Stainless Steel Focus and SMR have mentioned the company’s stability comparing to other companies of the CIS.
2009 April 8 |
In March liquid steel output exceeded February figures by 23.1% at Dneprospetsstal |
According to operating results for March 2009, JSC Electrometallurgical Works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin shipped from the shops 20 848 tons of steel products that is by 23.1% higher, than in February 2009.
2009 March 24 |
Shareholder Meeting at Dneprospetsstal |
Today Annual Meeting of Shareholders of JSC Electrometallugical Works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin has been held. 34 shareholders and their representatives that altogether own 94.4% of the Company’s shares have taken part in it. The shareholders have approved the report on the results of financial and economic activity of JSC Dneprospetsstal and its subsidiaries and representative offices for the year 2008.
2009 March 11 |
Operating Results for February 2009 |
In February total steel amount shipped from the shops of JSC Electrometallurgical Works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin comprised 16 938 tons that is by 11.9% less comparing to January 2009.
2009 February 12 |
Dneprospetsstal invests over EUR 2.2 m in new processing equipment |
Dneprospetsstal purchases a new ground-and-polish line by Loeser, Germany, for rolled stock processing. The project aim is enhancing of product finishing, first of all, for stainless tubing billet production. Rated capacity of the line is 21 ths tons of rolled stock per year.
2009 February 11 |
Dneprospetsstal ramps up production |
According to operating results for January 2009, JSC Electrometallurgical Works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin shipped from the shops 19 215 tons of steel products that is by 23% higher, than in December 2008.
2009 February 3 |
On March 24, 2009 JSC Electrometallurgical Works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin Shareholders’ Meeting will take place. |
For attention of the shareholders of JSC Electrometallurgical Works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin:
The Board of Directors of JSC Electrometallurgical Works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin informs the shareholders that on March 24, 2009 a Regular General Meeting of the shareholders will take place at the address: 83 Yuzhnoye Shosse, Zaporozhye 69008, Ukraine the JSC’s territory, the convention hall of the Rolling Shop (passage through the central clockhouse).
2009 January 26 |
Dneprospetsstal in Top Five |
At the end of December the Invest-Gazeta, financial and economic weekly newspaper, published annual ″TOP-100. Rating of the best Ukrainian companies″. The rating covers different fields: energy, oil and gas, mechanical engineering, IT-technologies etc.
2009 January 20 |
Dneprospetsstal: Results of the Year 2008 |
In 2008 JSC Electrometallurgical Works Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin shipped from the shops 482 823 tons of steel that is 12.1% less than in 2007. For the same period, production of rolled stock reduced by 10.1% while total amount of rolled product shipments comprised 315 351 tons.
2008 December 23 |
Pre-Registration of Chemicals According to REACH Regulation Completed |
Deliveries to EC are directly depending on product registration according to REACH Regulation. Anatoliy Uchaev, deputy head of working group on pre-registration, has pointed out ‘if we had stopped the procedure or violated pre-registration deadline, the EC market would have already been closed for our products in January. Considering forecasts for 2008 the share of deliveries to EC countries will be about 40% of total sales volume for non-CIS countries, we can conclude that one more barrier, hindering from presence at the EC market, is surmounted’.
2008 December 12 |
Dneprospetsstal - Operating Results for November 2008 |
The Company's steel output for the period January 1, 2008 through the month ended November 30, 2008 was 467,207 tons (a 7.2% decrease as compared to the same period of the prior year.)
2008 November 17 |
"Metal-Expo 2008": Partnership is stronger than crisis |
From the 11th to 14th of November "Metal-Expo 2008", an international industrial exhibition was held in Moscow and attended by 22,000 managerial personnel and specialists from 700 companies and 30 countries.
2008 November 14 |
Dneprospetsstal participates in the International Summit Conference for Steel Manufacturers. |
On 10th to the 12th of November, the seventh International Stainless and Special Steel Summit was held in Mirabella, Spain, with representatives of Dneprospetsstal taking part.
2008 November 6 |
Dneprospetsstal - Operating Results for October 2008 |
The Company's steel output for the period January 1, 2008 through the month ended October 31, 2008 was 444,197 tons (a 3% decrease as compared to the same period of the prior year).
2008 October 21 |
International Conference "Stainless and Special Steels 2008" |
On October 16th and 17th, the fourth International Conference "Stainless and Special Steels 2008", organized by the holding CENTRAVIS, was held in Dnepropetrovsk.
2008 September 10 |
The Company's total commodity output for the month ended August 31, 2008 was UAH 355,232 million - 99.6% as compared to the month ended July 31, 2008.
2008 September 1 |
DSS International - One Year in the USA Market |
The US market is one of the most promising markets for Dneprospetsstal. In the year since our official distributor - DSS International - opened an office in Chicago, deliveries to this area have increased.
2008 August 5 |
Dneprospetsstal: Operating Results for July 2008 |
The Company's commodity output for the month ended June 31, 2008 totaled was UAH 356,832 thousand - 99.7% as compared to the month ended June 30, 2008.
2008 August 1 |
Dneprospetstal has made a donation of UAH 500,000 to the fund created to help the flood victims of Western Ukraine and has also made available free holidays for children at the health and rehabilitation center 'CHAYKA'.
2008 July 16 |
DNEPROSPETSSTAL environment conservation activities: results and plans |
Zaporozhye City Council's Environmental Commission visited DNEPROSPETSSTAL.
2008 July 16 |
The Environmental Commission of the Zaporozhye City Council has inspected DNEPROSPETSSTAL on the eve of Steelmaker's Day |
Today the Zaporozhye City Council's Environmental Commission visited DNEPROSPETSSTAL. The purpose of the visit was to verify the Company's compliance with environmental requirements.
2008 July 8 |
Dneprospetsstal: Operating Results for June 2008 |
The Company's total commodity output for the month ended June 30, 2008 was UAH 357.874 million - 99.5 % as compared to the month ended May 31, 2008.
2008 June 20 |
Dneprospetsstal Signs Trilateral Agreement on Environmental Protection |
After a year of intensive work, an environmental protection agreement has been signed by OJSC Dneprospetsstal, the Regional Council of Zaporozhye and the Ministry for Environmental Protection.
2008 June 5 |
Dneprospetsstal: Operating Results for May 2008 |
The Company's total commodity output for the month ended May 31, 2008 was UAH 359.660 million - a 0.7% increase over the month ended May 31, 2007.
2008 May 28 |
Electro Slag Remelting Technologies - Fifty Years |
Specialists at DNEPROSPETSSTAL were first in the world to master the Electro Slag Remelting process.
2008 May 8 |
Dneprospetsstal: Operating Results for April 2008 |
The Company's total commodity output for the month ended April 30, 2008 was UAH 363.379 million - a 16.6% increase over the month ended March 31, 2008.
2008 April 10 |
Dneprospetsstal: operating results for March 2008 |
Production of key product types decreased in March. In March 2008 commodity output totaled UAH 311,653 million, a 4.1% decrease as compared to March 2007.
2008 March 24 |
On March 21 Our Scrap Sorting and Processing Shop Celebrated Its 55th Anniversary. |
Fifty-five years is quite a long time but the achievements made over those years in the workshop are also extensive and impressive. For more than a half-century, our shop workforce has sorted, selected and tested scrap metals. Due to the professionalism of the shop's team, the production personnel no longer have concerns about radioactive and highly explosive metals.
2008 March 21 |
The Year 2008 -Time for Investment Decisions |
Daniel Valk, Chairman of the Board at OJSC "A.N.Kuzmin Electrometallurgical Company "Dneprospetsstal" delivered a speech at the Ukrainian Investment Summit held on 10-12 March in London.
2008 March 14 |
DNEPROSPETSSTAL: Operating Results for February 2008 |
The Company's total commodity output for the month ended February 29, 2008 was UAH 308,439 million - a 12.2% increase over the month ended February 28, 2007.
2008 March 7 |
On March 6 the scheduled shareholders meeting of OJSC "DNEPROSPETSSTAL" was held. |
On March 6 the scheduled shareholders meeting of OJSC "A.N.Kuzmin Electrometallurgical Company "DNEPROSPETSSTAL" was held.
The 54 participants present at the meeting represented the interests of the company's shareholders owning 95.7% of the total stock.
2008 February 28 |
Today at OJSC Dneprospetsstal, three Zaporozhye-based industrial companies held a press conference focusing on the problem of slag dumps in the Srednyaya gully.
2008 February 15 |
February 15 - International Childhood Cancer Day |
On February 15, International Childhood Cancer Day, a Photo Exhibition called "Moments of Life" opened with the assistance of OJSC "Dneprospetsstal". The works of Tatyana Nechipurenko tell about the lives of young patients at the Oncology and Hematology Ward.
2008 February 5 |
Dneprospetsstal' has signed a contract with Plaza Investments', LLC for construction of five gas purification units for its steel melting shops. The arc furnaces in steel melting shops number one and three account for the bulk of the company's atmospheric emissions in the form of dust. The project provides for overhead canopies to be installed over the furnaces as well as baghouse filters.
2008 January 24 |
Dneprospetsstal is a member of Aeroengines-2008 international show |
Aeroengines – 2008 International air show will be held at All-Russian Show Center (Moscow) on 15-19 April, 2008.
2008 January 21 |
Dneprospetsstal has increased output of its main product lines |
Preliminary operating results have been reported for steel company 'Dneprospetsstal' for December 2007 and for the year 2007.
2007 December 3 |
Dneprospetsstal is listed in the top ten of Ukraine's most valuable steel making companies |
According to a study conducted by the Ukrainian Rating Agency and the publication Galitskiye Kontracty', Dneprospetsstal occupies eighth place on the list of the most valuable companies in the ferrous metallurgy sector.
2007 November 27 |
DSS takes Regional Children's Hospital under its wing |
This is not the first year that our steel mill has extended its help to the young patients at the Regional Children's Hospital in Zaporozhye.
Dneprospetsstal is in fact today a patron of one of its most medically complicated wards - oncohematology.
Dneprospetsstal is now officially included on the hospital's board of trustees at the request of the medical institution's staff.
2007 October 10 |
Dneprospetsstal - 75 years! |
Dear DNEPROSPETSSTAL employees, friends and colleagues!
On October 10th our steel mill will mark its 75-year anniversary.
2007 September 11 |
Dneprospetsstal: operating results for August 2007 |
2007 July 13 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 June 27 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 June 19 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 June 18 |
Economy and Ecology - Common Ground |
This idea was central at the round-table meeting "Zaporozhye: How To Increase Economic Potential And Preserve The Environment", organized in our city by the Ukrainian Business Journal "EXPERT".
2007 June 11 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 June 8 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 June 8 |
Operating Results for May 2007 |
2007 June 6 |
Resume of the International Children's Day Action |
Dear Friends! We inform you on the results of International Children's Day Action carried out at Dneprospetstal
2007 June 6 |
DNEPRSPETSSTAL Website - International Prize Winner |
Last week the 5th International Competition Best 2007 Internet Project' was held among metal making and trading companies of Russia and the CIS. The corporate site of DNEPROSPETSSTAL took second place.
2007 June 6 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 June 5 |
Another Contribution to Modern Industrial Development |
From May 29th to June 1st the 11th Special International Exhibition "Machine Building, Metallurgy 2007" was held in Zaporozhye.
2007 June 4 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 June 1 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 May 30 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 May 30 |
International Children's Day Action |
On the First of June - International Children's Day, DNEPROSPETSSTAL provides the opportunity for all those who wish to offer help to the Residential Children's School No 3 and the Oncology and Hematology Ward of the Zaporozhye Region's Children's Hospital.
2007 May 29 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 May 25 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 May 24 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 May 23 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 May 22 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 May 21 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 May 18 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 May 17 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 May 16 |
Photoreport on construction of slag burrow processing station |
2007 May 15 |
Dneprospetsstal: April Results |
2007 April 28 |
Stainless steel: quality, production and market prospects |
This was the main theme for the International Conference 'Prospects for Stainless Steel Production', held on April 25th and 26th at Dneprospetsstal.
2007 April 16 |
Dneprospetsstal targets Asia |
From April 2nd to April 4th for the first time in its history DSS took part in the international exhibition and conference PM ASIA 2007', held in Shanghai, China, which focused on the cutting-edge technologies used in the powder metal industry.
2007 April 10 |
DSS: a tradition of generosity |
The spirit of charity and kindness takes on a special meaning in the Easter season. The board of DSS faithfully adheres to the church tradition of providing help and support to the needy.
2007 April 10 |
Dneprospetsstal: March Results |
2007 April 5 |
Dneprospetsstal Invests in Environmental Protection |
A.S. Nefedov, Chairman of the Zaporozhye Regional Council, and O.M. Skvirsky, Chairman of the Standing Ecology Committee of the Regional Council, visited DSS at the end of March, 2007. The purpose of their visit was to inspect the progress of the Program on Overcoming the Ecological Crisis in Zaporozhye for the years 2001 through 2010 and agree on a time-frame for construction of waste disposal facilities.
2007 March 21 |
In February Dneprospetsstal Increased Production |
Zaporozhye Metallurgical Special Steel Works Dneprospetsstal increased production of key product types in February 2007.
2007 March 19 |
DSS has aided Ukrainian Olympians |
Dneprospetsstal is proud of Ukrainian sportsmen achievements in the highest rank international events.
2007 March 16 |
Special Stockholders Meeting Held at Dneprospetsstal |
A special stockholders’ meeting was held at JSC Dneprospetsstal on March14 2007.
2006 December 19 |
On the Threshold of Determinative Strategy Selection |
Dneprospetsstal is a unique company, which needs efficient investment process. Market entry and compatibility are among the main tasks, which McKinsey, an experienced consulting company in the field of metallurgy and heavy industry, is assisting to solve.
2006 December 5 |
Shareholders Meeting |
An extraordinary JSC Dneprospetsstal shareholders meeting was held on 30th November 2006. It was convened on the initiative of the companies possessing more than 10% of JSC Dneprospetsstal shares.
2006 November 21 |
Dneprospetsstal Participating at the 5th Nickel, Stainless and Special Steels International Forum |
The 5th Nickel, Stainless and Special Steels International Forum, organized by Metal Bulletin and SMR, took place in Brussels (Belgium) from the 8th to 10th of November. The Forum included three conference modules devoted to the markets of nickel and raw materials, flats of stainless steels and section products of stainless and special steels.
2006 November 8 |
Shearing Press Presentation |
On the 31st of October a presentation and press conference on the occasion of the shearing press commissioning took place at Dneprospetsstal.
2006 October 30 |
Shearing Press Commissioning at Dneprospetsstal |
A shearing press produced by AKROS, France has been put into operation at Dneprospetsstal. The company has invested about four million dollars into this project.
2006 September 28 |
JSC Dneprospetsstal (DSS) takes part in the 12th International Specialized Exhibition "Metal-Expo 2006" |
On November 13 –17, 2006, the Metal Week in Moscow that is the largest metallurgical forum in the CIS will take place.
The "Metal-Expo 2006" that is a central event for the forum will be held in Moscow Exhibition Center.
2006 August 29 |
Dneprospetsstal (DSS) starts with a new step of the program of the Total Manufacture Optimization (TMO) |
A new department of business optimization management was established within the framework of Dneprospetsstal’s structure. The main task of the department is to increase the plant’s effectiveness via ascertainment and further implementation of the potential of the enterprise activity results improvement, and via realization of the innovation program and business-process optimization.
2006 August 24 |
DSS: The validity of Germanischer Lloyd approval as Material Manufacturer is prolonged up to the year 2009 |
The validity of Germanisher Lloyd approval as Material Manufacturer is prolonged up to the year 2009 and its scope is extended over all steel grades covered by Technical Delivery conditions TU DSS 004-2002 and TU DSS 006 -2004.
2006 July 1 |
New product type put into production at DSS |
In July 100 tons of rough railway axles of variable cross - section were produced in DSS forging shop.
Earlier DSS forging shop produced rough axles for Ukrainian and Russian markets only. Purchase order for new product type, intended for export to Europe and Asia, was placed by the constant Dneprospetsstal customer Lugansk NPO Transmash.
2006 July 1 |
Automatic planning system for refractories procurement is implemented at Dneprospetsstal (DSS). |
The system was developed and implemented by specialists of ADP department. The main purpose of planning is to provide material availability, that is, timely stocking up or production of required quantity to cover internal needs.
2006 January 11 |
Dneprospetsstal (DSS): Results of the Year 2005 |
Preliminary production results of the year 2005 have been drawn.