Company specialists took part in the International Forum "FERROUS AND NON-FERROUS SCRAP METALS" held on 27-28 February 2008 in Moscow.
The forum attracted approximately 400 representatives from metal plants and companies engaged in procurement of scrap metals as well as exporters and manufacturers of scrap processing equipment, about 50 of them coming from outside of post-Soviet territory with the rest coming from CIS countries.
At this point in time the situation in the country in regard to scrap metal collection is stable. For several consecutive years Ukraine has collected the same quantity of scrap metals per year - approximately 7.5-8 million tons. However, every year more and more steel is melted both inside and outside the country. According to the Ukraine Ministry for Industrial Policy, by the year 2012, Ukrainian companies' demand for scrap metal will exceed supply by 1.5 million tons.
Today it is highly important for "Dneprospetsstal" to conclude contracts for scrap metal not only in Ukraine but also within and without the post-Soviet area. At the forum representatives of "Dneprospetsstal" held discussions and reached preliminary agreements with 11 companies.
Photo Gallery from The International Forum FERROUS AND NON-FERROUS SCRAP METALS 2008